508.755.2340 TTY: 508.890.5584
Seven Hills Foundation

Media Center

At Seven Hills, our mission is to promote and encourage the empowerment of children and adults with significant challenges so that each may pursue their highest possible degree of personal well-being and independence. Our professional staff is passionate about our work that helps people SEE the possibilities, BELIEVE in themselves, and ACHIEVE their dreams.

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Innovative Recreation Programs for People with Brain Injury

Innovative Recreation Programs for People with Brain Injury

Creative Minds is a collaborative program developed by Seven Hills Family Services (SHFS) and Open Door Arts (ODA), both affiliates of the  Seven Hills Foundation, in response to the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission’s call for recreational support programming for people with acquired/traumatic brain injuries.

Enhancing Child and Family Services Outcomes Through Basic Needs

Enhancing Child and Family Services Outcomes Through Basic Needs

Seven Hills Rhode Island (SHRI) provides quality care and services to children of varying abilities and life challenges who live in Rhode Island through various models that fall under its Child & Family Services division. SHRI’s Home-Based Therapeutic Services (HBTS) program provides specialized, intensive services and treatments guided for children aged birth through 21 by an approved individualized treatment plan.

Celebrating Creativity

Celebrating Creativity

The Integrated Arts Program (IAP) is an educational arts experience for children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Through therapeutic arts programming, IAP fosters artistic expression and social inclusion for participants in the local artistic community and the greater community in which they live.

Workforce Readiness and Employment

Workforce Readiness and Employment

Seven Hills ASPiRE! is grateful for a generous grant of $10,000 from the TD Charitable Foundation to support the Workforce Readiness and Employment Program.

Shining Stars on Stage

Shining Stars on Stage

The Integrated Arts Program has partnered with Rhode Island’s Trinity Rep Theatre’s Active Imagination Network program to implement a robust and successful performing arts program for children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Media Inquiries

Bill Stock
Vice President for Government and Community Relations 81 Hope Ave, Worcester, MA 01603
Phone: 508.983.1305
Fax: 508.849.3888
Email: bstock@sevenhills.org
Kathleen A. Myshrall
Vice President of Advancement 81 Hope Ave, Worcester, MA 01603
Phone: 508.983.1302
Fax: 508.849.3888
Email: kmyshrall@sevenhills.org
Jennifer Wentworth
Director of Communications 81 Hope Ave, Worcester, MA 01603
Phone: 508.983.1304
Fax: 508.849.3888
Email: jwentworth@sevenhills.org