Supports for Children
Seven Hills is a leader in delivering integrated SUPPORTS FOR CHILDREN with life challenges, enabling them and their families to learn and grow together. Seven Hills professional staff utilizes the latest in evidence-based practices that are individualized and person-centered to help children achieve optimal health and wellness, developmental milestones, self-determination and community integration. Through our quality Clinical & Behavioral Health Services, Community Suppports, and Child & Family Services, Seven Hills provides lifelong learning opportunities that educate and empower children to live valued and meaningful lives.
Clinical & Behavioral Health
Seven Hills partners with families to provide wrap-a-round, integrated care to help their children thrive.

Education & Transition Options
Seven HIlls provides individualized wrap-a-round supports for adolescents preparing to transition to adult services, ensuring success at school and beyond.

Family, Community & Child Care Support
Educating and empowering children and families through quality child care and comprehensive opportunities for children with disabilities.

Residential Options
When children need therapeutic, family-centered support through a residential setting, Seven Hills works to ensure a safe, caring and dignified home.