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Seven Hills Foundation

Media Center

At Seven Hills, our mission is to promote and encourage the empowerment of children and adults with significant challenges so that each may pursue their highest possible degree of personal well-being and independence. Our professional staff is passionate about our work that helps people SEE the possibilities, BELIEVE in themselves, and ACHIEVE their dreams.

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Pathways to Employment

Pathways to Employment

Seven Hills Foundation would like to thank the Berkshire Bank Foundation for their recent grant of $5,000 to support our ASPiRE! Workforce Development and Employment Readiness program.

Building Bright Futures

Building Bright Futures

YOU, Inc. is grateful for generous grants totaling $13,424 from the United Way’s After School and Out-of-School Time (ASOST) initiative, for our John S. Laws Dynamy Youth Academy college access program.

Funding the Future

Funding the Future

Once again, every member of the Dynamy Johns S. Laws Youth Academy graduating class has been accepted to college.

Overcoming Post Pandemic Challenges

Overcoming Post Pandemic Challenges

Children’s Friend, an affiliate of Seven Hills Foundation, is leading the Behavioral Intervention Program at the Early Learning Center (ELC) in partnership with the Family Services of Central MA Center for Childcare Careers and Seven Hills Behavioral Health.

Enhancing the Quality of Care

Enhancing the Quality of Care

Within its comprehensive Health and Wellness component, nursing staff in the ASPiRE! Day Habilitation program monitor participants’ weight, blood pressure, mobility, cognitive function, and behavioral health on a weekly basis.

Media Inquiries

Bill Stock
Vice President for Government and Community Relations 81 Hope Ave, Worcester, MA 01603
Phone: 508.983.1305
Fax: 508.849.3888
Email: bstock@sevenhills.org
Kathleen A. Myshrall
Vice President of Advancement 81 Hope Ave, Worcester, MA 01603
Phone: 508.983.1302
Fax: 508.849.3888
Email: kmyshrall@sevenhills.org
Jennifer Wentworth
Director of Communications 81 Hope Ave, Worcester, MA 01603
Phone: 508.983.1304
Fax: 508.849.3888
Email: jwentworth@sevenhills.org