Unparalleled Compassion and Care in Rhode Island
Seven Hills Rhode Island is a comprehensive health and human services organization supporting more than 1,000 residents throughout the state. Seven Hills has more than 60 years of experience providing a wide range of supports for infants, children and their families, adults, and seniors with various disabilities and life challenges. Our integrated supports are individualized, person-centered, and community-based. Our holistic approach provides a range of health care, behavioral health, community supports, assisted living, day habilitation, educational, and vocational expertise.
Partnering with other providers, businesses, cultural organizations, and the Rhode Island State Health and Human Services system, Seven Hills Rhode Island provides a comprehensive approach to ensuring that each person has access to the supports needed to achieve his or her goals and dreams.
Our Adult Services provide a comprehensive array of supports including adult day health, day habilitation, community-based day supports, adult residential services, shared living, RIte @ Home, Alzheimer's and Related Dementias, and more. Our philosophy of Community First uses a person-centered approach to ensuring individual choice in supporting each person’s activities. Employment First is the driving theme in the development of skill-based and community-based workforce development options at Seven Hills. Our staff develops integrated community employment that is individualized based on each person’s interests and abilities.
Our full array of Children’s Services starts with infants through our Early Intervention program and continues with specialized community-based HBTS (Home-Based Therapeutic Services), PASS (Personal Assistance Services and Supports), ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) and Respite Services. Seven Hills provides a continuum of care through the developmental stages and supports families along the process.
Take a behind-the-scenes look at the Seven Hills/TRAIN Drama Club

Phone: 401.601.0815
Seven Hills Rhode Island Programs
- Adult Day Health
- Adult Residential Program
- Agency with Choice
- Applied Behavior Analysis
- Community Connections
- Community-Based Day Support
- Day Habilitation
- Early Intervention
- Employment Matters
- HBTS in Rhode Island
- PASS in Rhode Island
- Personal Choice
- Respite Supports - Children
- RIte @ Home
- Self Advocacy
- Shared Living
- Workforce Readiness & Employment
- Assistive Technology Services