Partnering with Families and Communities to Build Fulfilling Lives
Seven Hills Family Services (SHFS) is committed to working hand in hand with individuals with disabilities, and their families, and caregivers, by providing a wide array of options to enable them to live in a nurturing environment, maintain relationships with families and loved ones and choose how to live, learn, and grow.
Through comprehensive supports and services, Seven Hills Family Services provides individualized, flexible options that help each person succeed and pursue their dreams. Our Family Services Professionals work to increase each individual's self-direction and promote family control in the planning, delivery, and evaluation of our supports that focus on the inclusion of individuals with disabilities in their respective communities. Seven Hills has been on the forefront of this support for over 60 years. Seven Hills Family Services is accredited and certified by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF), the international organization that provides accreditation to recognize and promote quality service standards of excellence in human services, and has received a three-year award for excellence.
At Seven Hills, we are empowering individuals with disabilities to live more fulfilling lives by becoming members of their respective communities through individualized supports and services.
Seven Hills is the go-to source for information if you are supporting a family member with a disability. Four Family Support Centers provide information and referral services to a vast array of resources and activities geared toward helping people lead full lives in their communities.
Staff Spotlight
Maryanne Thiga, Area Director for Individual Supports
“I started at Seven Hills as a Direct Support Professional in a residence and now am the Area Director of Individual Supports, working to support and connect people in their communities. When my daughter was born with a disability, I quickly realized that my work needed me to look at each individual and know, that this is someone’s child. I have grown to love Seven Hills, with caring, warm supervisors, good benefits and health insurance, and most of all great leadership – and it shows! I am a better supervisor, parent, and person by being here – I never want to leave!” - Maryanne

Leslie Courtney
Vice PresidentPhone: 508.796.1866
Just Us Girls Program Sponsor: