Maximizing the Potential for Children with Profound Cognitive Disabilities and Special Health Care Needs

Seven Hills Academy at Groton is a private, DESE-approved special education day program operating 251 days per year. It serves children and young adults with complex medical and developmental disabilities, including residents of Seven Hills Pediatric Center and children from nearby communities who benefit from its multidisciplinary learning environment. The Academy’s philosophy emphasizes that every student has the potential to grow, develop, learn, and contribute to their community.
Our team of highly qualified educators and therapists deliver a comprehensive educational program tailored to meet the diverse needs of each student. This includes a wide range of allied health services such as medical care, nursing, speech pathology, and assistive technology. Individualized therapies, including physical and occupational therapy, massage, music, and art therapy, are seamlessly integrated into each child’s daily routine. Assistive devices such as wheelchairs, braces, and hand splints are custom-fitted as children grow.
Located at the award-winning Seven Hills Pediatric Center in Groton, Massachusetts, Seven Hills Academy provides an enriching and supportive environment for students with complex needs.
Nondiscrimination Policy: As a recipient of Federal financial assistance, Seven Hills Pediatric Center does not exclude, deny benefits to, or otherwise discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, or age in admission to, participation in, or receipt of the services and benefits under any of its programs and activities, whether carried out by Seven Hills Pediatric Center directly or through a contractor or any other entity with which Seven Hills Pediatric Center arranges to carry out its programs and activities. This statement is in accordance with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and Regulations of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services issued pursuant to these statutes at Title 45 Code of Federal RegulationsParts 80, 84, and 91. For more information about this policy, contact Seven Hills Pediatric Center, 978.448.3388.
Seven Hills Academy at Groton
22 Hillside Avenue, Groton, MA 01450
Monica Kleeman M.S. Ed.
Director of Education and ActivitiesPhone: 978.732.5253