Open Your Heart and Home as a Shared Living Provider
Seven Hills is the premier provider of Shared Living services in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Shared Living is a model of care that allows adults with disabilities to choose to receive the support they need by joining a companion and becoming part of their home life.
Seven Hills is a CARF Accredited provider of Shared Living, recognized for the quality of community caregivers that are recruited through Seven Hills. Our case managers and nurses make compatible matches, and then offer the support needed to provide the best care. Our caregivers are people who have opened their homes and lives to fully include adults with disabilities and want to support their independence and self-determination.
Caregivers receive a daily tax-free stipend depending on the level of care, plus room and board. Caregivers typically enjoy the flexibility of also working outside the home. Seven Hills provides ongoing case management, nursing, respite or other supports as needed.
Join our team of Shared Living Providers!
Shared Living is an arrangement available to qualified adults that is funded by state agencies, such as the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRC), The Department of Developmental Services (DDS), and the Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals (BHDDH) in Rhode Island, or through private pay arrangements.
In Massachusetts Contact
Phone: 508.796.1868
In Rhode Island Contact
Carole Graves
Phone: 401.406.1882

Learn what a Shared Living Provider is and join the Shared Living Team of Providers!
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