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Seven Hills Foundation

Charlie Washburn

Join the Coversation

For over 60 years, this growing organization, Seven Hills Foundation and Affiliates, has been welcoming families and helping to enrich the lives of their loved ones with disabilities and other life challenges. If you believe in a world where all people are valued, respected and dignified, then I invite you to partner with us at Seven Hills. Together, we will continue to uplift the lives of people of all abilities.

27 2017

“Visions of Avalon” Creates Life Affirming Energy

By Charlie Washburn

“Visions of Avalon” Creates Life Affirming Energy

When you are showing the joint effort of over 100 artists and they come together to celebrate, seeing their work on display in a first class art museum, you create the kind of life affirming energy that’s hard to ignore. Such was the case as people streamed into the Worcester Art Museum for Free Fun Friday on June 23rd.