What's Happening - Seven Hills Foundation

J. Irving and Jane L. England Charitable Trust

Written by Benoit, Nancy | Feb 3, 2021 3:35:00 PM

Long-time foundation partner of Seven Hills Foundation, J. Irving & Jane L. England Charitable Trust, has awarded Open Door Arts, an affiliate of Seven Hills Foundation, with a $6,600 grant to provide virtual art classes for people with disabilities.
Open Door Arts works to enhance access to the arts for people of all abilities by providing the best museum experience and art education workshops at the Worcester Art Museum for people with disabilities. But, with positive COVID-19 cases increasing, it has been near impossible for Open Door Arts to offer the same in-person experiences at the museum as before the pandemic.  Support from the J. Irving & Jane L. England Charitable Trust will enable Open Door Arts to virtually teach art classes and give tours of the Open Door Gallery at the Worcester Art Museum so that participants can continue practicing social distancing while stretching their creative talents and learning all there is to know about the artwork at the ODG@WAM.

We are so grateful to the J. Irving & Jane L. England Charitable Trust for their continued partnership and confidence in our work to provide accessible and inclusive programming, even during a pandemic.