What's Happening - Seven Hills Foundation

Urban Youth Collaborative Brings Talent to Seven Hills

Written by Seven Hills Foundation | Sep 16, 2016 5:07:00 AM

Here’s to another successful summer for the Urban Youth Collaborative program, funded by the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services to introduce the wide range of human-services career paths to young adults. Seven Hills welcomed 21 interns, who worked in various program areas of Seven Hills, including community residences, ASPiRE! day programs, Assistive Technology, Human Resources, and the Office of Advancement. The students attend Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire colleges/universities as well as local high schools in Worcester. In addition to sharing their experiences in several group meetings, the interns also participated in the Urban Youth Annual Retreat as well as a trip to the State House in Boston. Many talented Seven Hills staff members got their professional start through their participation in the Urban Youth program.

Our most recent Urban Youth Collaborative interns included: Ernestina Agyemang, Kejs Aliko, Jalyssa Ayala, Jaime Bailey, Jorge Centeno, Uma Chapagain, John Cronin, Alexis Cusson, Dinnea DiGrigoli, Madison Gosselin, Kayanna James, Armatage Kamanga, Aidan Knowles, Phylis Mukundi, Agnes Nkansah, Ashley Oliveri, Nicole Rapp, Mariah Rennie, Ashley Samara, Joseph Waweru, and Christina Yu.